Friday, November 14, 2008

Easton Update

Little baby Easton is not so little anymore! We went to his dr. appointment and he has doubled his birthweight, jumping from the 15th to the 70th percentile! Wow.. He is smiling and cooing all the time now, it is so much fun. We love our little dude!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Ashie was sick with a Fever all day but she insited that she felt good enough to go Trick or Treating! Thank goodness for Tylenol!

This is our Happy Witch!!

and our Happy Pirate!

And our Homeless Hippie Dad

Ashlan and Ava got to dress up for Dance class

Ashlan's Update!

So Ashlan has been very busy this fall ... She started Dance class, preschool, and T-ball!! WOW it has been very busy but very fun!

Ready To Dance!!
Ashlan and Ava's first day of Dance class!

This is a little how tball went... Ashlan was a little distracted!