Friday, May 30, 2008

Construction Update

Here are a couple pics of the progress on our house!

Hopefully it will be finished the first or second week of July. We can't wait for it to be finished!

Friday, May 2, 2008


1. What is your husbands first name? Daren Scott Almond
2. Who eats more? Hmmm usually Daren .. But now that I am almost 6 months pregnant I am starving so probably me! 3. Who said I love you first? Daren
4. Who is taller? Daren.. and Thank goodnes I have too many killer heels!
5. Who is smarter? Probably Daren.
6. Who is more sensitive? Me
7. Who does the laundry? Me.. but daren does a good job reminding me when he is running out of black socks.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
9. Who pays the bills. I pay most of them but we split up a few.
10. Who cooks more? Me.. but daren takes charge of the grilling and it is great!
11. What meals do you cook together? I like the all or nothing method... If daren grills he will do the side dish too.
12. Who is more stubborn? Dron
13. Who is first to admit they were wrong. We both don't like to admit we were wrong but we are pretty good at letting stuff go.
14. Who is more clean? I would have to say me.. because I am the one who picks up after everyone all the time.
15. Who has more siblings? We both come from family's of seven children.
16. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I think we each have a leg in them :)
17. What do you like to do together? We love to do things with family and friends. We love it when we get in a vacation. We like to eat out, relax, and play with Ashie. We just love to do stuff from plays to sporting events ..just have fun. Hopefully this summer we will get in more Family Golf outings :)
18. Who eats more sweets? Me.. not even a question.
19. Guilty Pleasures? Daren Making a yummy Orange Julius after Ashlan has gone to bed, and trying to kill each others scores on some stupid game.
20. How did you meet? My roommate was dating Daren's friend and they set us up. We got married and they broke up.. Thanks Wendi and James :)

21. Who asked who out first? Like I said we got set up we went to dinner at Mandarin House and went to the movie Honey. It was fun.
22. Who kissed who first? Daren kissed me and yes it was on the first date.
23. Who proposed? Daren proposed and I was SHOCKED! We hadn't even talked about getting married. Daren and I went to Cali to the Nissan Open, he proposed on the Santa Monica Beach.. he had already picked out my ring and everything it was very romantic!
24. Best Features? Great Eyes, Great Personality, He is just good at everything ...Just Great!!!!
25. What is his Best Quality? Daren is really great to be around... He can get along with about anybody. He is always up for a party and never complains about all the stuff I do with my friends and family. Daren is a Great Dad and Husband.. I love him!

I Tag.. Missy, Sheri, and Ashley... your it!

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