Friday, November 14, 2008

Easton Update

Little baby Easton is not so little anymore! We went to his dr. appointment and he has doubled his birthweight, jumping from the 15th to the 70th percentile! Wow.. He is smiling and cooing all the time now, it is so much fun. We love our little dude!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Ashie was sick with a Fever all day but she insited that she felt good enough to go Trick or Treating! Thank goodness for Tylenol!

This is our Happy Witch!!

and our Happy Pirate!

And our Homeless Hippie Dad

Ashlan and Ava got to dress up for Dance class

Ashlan's Update!

So Ashlan has been very busy this fall ... She started Dance class, preschool, and T-ball!! WOW it has been very busy but very fun!

Ready To Dance!!
Ashlan and Ava's first day of Dance class!

This is a little how tball went... Ashlan was a little distracted!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Baby Easton

Here are some updated pics of Baby Easton.. He is such a great baby we are so glad he is here!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ashie and Ava

Ashlan got her pics taken this summer with her BFF Ava. Could they be any cuter.. I mean really!! Enough said.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Baby Almond

I know I know... it's been forever since I have updated my blog.. this summer has been CRAZY! Here is our most exciting news... On August 19th we finally got our new baby!! We named him Easton Scott Almond. He was born at 4:18 pm weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces and was 20 inches long. My doctor was very kind and let me be induced early so I was started at 12:00 and 4 hours later the baby was here. He is a good baby... he loves to be held and will just snuggle right up to anybody. Ashlan is a great big sister she loves him... as long as he isn't stealing too much of her attention. Here are a few snapshots.. we will post some better pics soon!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa!!!!

Daren's parents have been gone for the past year and a half on a mission to Fiji.. They got home a week ago. We went to the airport to pick them up and Ashlan ran right up and gave them big hugs... she was so excited to see her "gama and gampa"! We are living in their house with them while we are waiting for ours to get finished and Ashlan can't get enough of her grandparents.. poor Grandma has a CONSTANT shadow.. Ashlan always has to know where her grandparents are and what they are doing. She is their best "Helper" :) She is loving it!

Ashlan and Daddy watching for the airplane!!

Fun in the Sun!!

This picture pretty much sums up how much Ashlan LOVED the pool!!

We took Ash to the pool for the first time this summer she had soooo much fun.. She was dancing and laying in the water and couldn't stop smiling the entire time we there.. It was great!

I am sure we will be posting more pool pics later.. hopefully they are better than these :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Construction Update

Here are a couple pics of the progress on our house!

Hopefully it will be finished the first or second week of July. We can't wait for it to be finished!

Friday, May 2, 2008


1. What is your husbands first name? Daren Scott Almond
2. Who eats more? Hmmm usually Daren .. But now that I am almost 6 months pregnant I am starving so probably me! 3. Who said I love you first? Daren
4. Who is taller? Daren.. and Thank goodnes I have too many killer heels!
5. Who is smarter? Probably Daren.
6. Who is more sensitive? Me
7. Who does the laundry? Me.. but daren does a good job reminding me when he is running out of black socks.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
9. Who pays the bills. I pay most of them but we split up a few.
10. Who cooks more? Me.. but daren takes charge of the grilling and it is great!
11. What meals do you cook together? I like the all or nothing method... If daren grills he will do the side dish too.
12. Who is more stubborn? Dron
13. Who is first to admit they were wrong. We both don't like to admit we were wrong but we are pretty good at letting stuff go.
14. Who is more clean? I would have to say me.. because I am the one who picks up after everyone all the time.
15. Who has more siblings? We both come from family's of seven children.
16. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I think we each have a leg in them :)
17. What do you like to do together? We love to do things with family and friends. We love it when we get in a vacation. We like to eat out, relax, and play with Ashie. We just love to do stuff from plays to sporting events ..just have fun. Hopefully this summer we will get in more Family Golf outings :)
18. Who eats more sweets? Me.. not even a question.
19. Guilty Pleasures? Daren Making a yummy Orange Julius after Ashlan has gone to bed, and trying to kill each others scores on some stupid game.
20. How did you meet? My roommate was dating Daren's friend and they set us up. We got married and they broke up.. Thanks Wendi and James :)

21. Who asked who out first? Like I said we got set up we went to dinner at Mandarin House and went to the movie Honey. It was fun.
22. Who kissed who first? Daren kissed me and yes it was on the first date.
23. Who proposed? Daren proposed and I was SHOCKED! We hadn't even talked about getting married. Daren and I went to Cali to the Nissan Open, he proposed on the Santa Monica Beach.. he had already picked out my ring and everything it was very romantic!
24. Best Features? Great Eyes, Great Personality, He is just good at everything ...Just Great!!!!
25. What is his Best Quality? Daren is really great to be around... He can get along with about anybody. He is always up for a party and never complains about all the stuff I do with my friends and family. Daren is a Great Dad and Husband.. I love him!

I Tag.. Missy, Sheri, and Ashley... your it!

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

If The Glass Slipper Fits!

You Are Cinderella!

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Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I Wear my Sunglasses at Night

Daren and I went to check on Ashlan the other night and I couldn't resist this picture. Ashlan always finds something that she has to take to bed with her... that night it was her sunglasses. Ashlan has such a funny personality. She loves to get completely dressed up from her crown down to the high heels and stand in front of the TV and sing and dance she thinks she is quite the performer... what can I say so do we.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I've Been Tagged

A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.

B: Each player answers the questions about themselves.

C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog

#1 What was I doing 10 years ago?
10 years ago I was a junior in high school (wow... it does not seem that long ago!) It was my favorite year in high school I practically lived at the O'brien and Fletcher house! I was on a great dance team and a great cheer squad. It was just fun.

#2 Things on my To-Do List today: Seeing as how I haven't really cleaned my house in MONTHS due to intense pregnancy sickness my list is LONG. However laundry is my biggest priority today ( man .. that is boring). Oh and getting drill team stuff all organized because we leave for state Friday!

#3 What would I do if I were suddenly a Billionaire: I know Daren would want to invest or save it. But I would Pay off all of our debt and my families... buy a hot car and have the sickest shopping trip ever which of course all of my shopping buddies would have to be a part of.

#4 Bad Habits: 1) I have a bad habit of not hanging up my clothes after I take them off resulting in piles of clothes sitting on my dresser. 2) I forget where I put things ... like my cell phone, keys, debit card ... all the important stuff. 3) I have bad eating habits... I eat too much junk food! But I have quit drinking coke!

#5 Places I have lived: 1)Driggs, ID 2) Moab, UT 3) Brigham City, UT 4) Rexburg, ID 5) Logan, UT (Go AGGIES) and 6) Pocatello, ID

#6 Jobs I have had: 1) Kmart Cashier (red vest and all) 2) Waitress 3) Dental Assistant 4) Sales clerk at RU Outside and the Buckle 5) PSR and IBI Therapist 6) Drill Team Coach.

#7 Things that people don't know about me: 1) Well Rachel knows what a true nerd I am but I love to read! 2) I am a reality TV Junkie.. I seriously am addicted. 3) I go through about 5 glasses a day because I don't like to drink out of a "dirty" glass. It makes Daren CRAZY but seriously think about the bacteria! 4) I really like cleaning.. it gets monotonous but it makes me feel so relaxed when it is all done.

I tag Sheri, Lori, and Shay ( when she starts really blogging)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Think BLUE!!!!!

Today we went and got a "sneak peak" ultrasound. My ultrasound isn't scheduled until April 1st but our friend Kyle is an ultrasound tech so he told us to come and take some pics early! Right away we found out the baby is a Boy! Daren and I are so excited!! Ashlan is still a little confused. When I was getting my ultrasound she kept saying, "Mommy your belly hurts... ohhhh sorry." Sometimes she hugs my belly and says, "Baby belly mommy?" It's pretty cute. Sooo now that we know it is a boy there is so much to do I mean we need a new nursery and new clothes... the shopping possibilities are endless. Daren is just excited that he got one past the boy goalie. So this is our latest news! Let us know if you hear any killer boy names.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008


We started construction on our new house 3 days ago, I am so excited!! Daren on the other hand is on the verge of an anxiety attack..... way too many decisions. Lets just say this could possibly be the last house we build. Our house is scheduled to be finished Late June... which probably means late July. The sooner the better or Daren's parents are going to have a welcome home gift that keeps on giving and giving!

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